安捷伦Agilent TwisTorr 304 FS分子泵 – 东莞市品雅真空设备有限公司
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安捷伦Agilent TwisTorr 304 FS分子泵

安捷伦Agilent TwisTorr 304 FS分子泵低价保养,安捷伦Agilent TwisTorr 304 FS分子泵哪里能维修,品雅直销安捷伦Agilent TwisTorr 304 FS分子泵及其维修,安捷伦Agilent TwisTorr 304 FS分子泵维修包多少钱,四川安捷伦Agilent TwisTorr 304 FS分子泵维修点,欢迎致电:13826954831  杨生

2013年 Agilent introduces the new TwisTorr 304 FS, with Agilent Floating Suspension
2013年安捷伦推出Agilent Floating Suspension 技术的涡轮分子泵--Agielnt TwisTorr 304 FS.

什么是Agilent Floating Suspension? Agilent TwisTorr 304FS 真的有那么神秘吗?我们一起来看看:
agilent TwisTorr 304FS 轴承的悬挂图,熟悉车的朋友都知道,高速时及急转弯时,车的悬挂系统无比重要,好的悬挂能要保证车的安全性,高通过性及舒适性。分子泵更是如此。
Agilent Floating Suspension
To ensure:
● Low vibration and acoustical noise
● Optimal working conditions for the bearings, extended operating life
● Exceptional stability for the very demanding SEM application
采用了Agilent Floating Suspension的Agilent TS304分子泵具备:小的震动及极低的噪音,大大的延长了分子泵的寿命,同时大大的扩展其在要求严格的SEM市场的应用。

Agilent TS304 Turbo pump Proven best vacuum performance available,
with innovative TwisTorr stages to deliver:
● High pumping speed and compression ratios for Hydrogen and Helium
● High throughput, high foreline tolerance
● Low power consumption, low operating temperatur

安捷伦科技2013年蕞新产品,划时代的涡轮分子泵-Agilent TwisTorr 304 FS -Agilent TwisTorr 304 FS Turbo pump are new generation 300L/s Turbo pump with Agilent Floating Suspension.
Agilent TS304涡轮分子泵是用来取代Varian TV301(Agilent TV301)
1986年 Varian begins collaboration with Elettrorava for turbomolecular pump

technology and know-how transfer

1991年 Varian introduces a new hybrid type Turbo Molecular Pump: one monolythic rotor provides both high speed (Turbo stages) and high foreline tolerance (MacroTorr stages)
Varian Turbo pump Use of ceramic ball bearings with life-time lubrication using a proprietary dry solid lubricant

1996年 Introduction by Varian of microprocessor-based on-board controller units: Navigator line, for computer driven plug-and-pump operation--1996年,安捷伦分子泵将分子泵控制器内置为一整体,开始了Varian Navigator

2003年 With the Turbo-V 2K-G Varian, now Agilent, introduces a fully integrated Turbo pumping system 2003年安捷伦推出了智能型的varian Turbo-V 2K-G涡轮分子泵,仔细留意我司网站的会注意到该泵的更多消息

2004年Varian develops a dedicated range of SEM products that meets the most
stringent requirements of the industry 2004年安捷伦为SEM市场推出了专用的分子泵,深受好评。

2010年Agilent Technologies presents the new TwisTorr molecular drag technology based on its well-known hybrid Turbo Molecular Pump design, introducing a spiral drag section that achieves unmatched performance in both pumping speed and compression ratio in the most compact space available. New state-of-the-art electronics complete this industry leading Turbo Molecular Pump innovation
2010年安捷伦推出了新一代的Twistorr 涡轮拖动分子泵,Agilent TV750 TwisTorr 与 Agilent TV850 TwisTorr 就是安捷伦2010年的代表作东莞市品雅真空设备有限公司官网进行查看,

安捷伦新一代的TwisTorr 304涡轮分子泵应用非常广阔:
Agilent TS304 Unmatched vacuum performance in its class, with TwisTorr stages
optimized for H2 compression, make it the ideal solution for demanding academic and research applications

Thanks to low vibration, low noise and high stability, the Agilent TwisTorr 304 FS meets the specific needs of Electron Microscopes
Agilent TS304 High throughput and optimized performance for light gases in routine applications meet the needs of the Instrumentation market
The Agilent TwisTorr 304 FS offers dry, clean vacuum for demanding industrial and semiconductor applications


售前咨询:0769-88900800 服务热线:400-9999-502
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